

March 28, 2021
Posted in Beltane, Sabbat
March 28, 2021 Obsidia Musette Sage

Happy May Day! Beltane is nigh in the Wild Wasteland and many pagans are preparing their bonfires, getting ready to dance around their Maypoles, and writing their handfasting rituals. Beltane is a time of celebration; an unofficial start to the summer season where the crops are beginning to grow and the beasts, both wild and domestic, are starting to multiply. It is a time to honor the goddesses and gods of the hunt, of the fields, and of fertility. 

Origins of the Word Beltane

The word “Beltane” is derived from the Celtic sun god Belenus and the Gaelic word for fire, teine. Together the words are translated as “bright fire,” which has great significance in how the Celts celebrated the coming of May. On the eve of May first occupants of the towns would extinguish all personal fires, including all candles, lanterns, and hearth fires. They would then gather around a great “bright fire,” where they would usher in the Sabbat by performing fertility rites and honoring specific deities. It is also said at this time that the Queen Goddess would be courted by her consort, the Oak King, who regained control over the seasons at the vernal equinox. It has always been in the best interest of the townsfolk to revere this courtship because when the two divine beings mate, they bring fertility to all the land and animals, therefore bringing prosperity to the people.  In this article, you can learn more about the Celtic and Roman influences on Beltane.  The Irish Post also published “12 facts, legends, and traditions of Ireland’s ancient May Day Festival.”

Beltane is a time of celebration; an unofficial start to the summer season where the crops are beginning to grow and the beasts, both wild and domestic, are starting to multiply.

Modern Celebrations

Photo by Tomáš Malík from Pexels

In modern times, pagans have moved away from revering fertility rites as they pertain to crops and livestock and instead gravitate more toward fertility as it relates to raising a family and prosperity. The Old Ones are still remembered and honored, but Beltane activities have changed in many ways. Today, events that were at one time only meant for specific members of the community have been opened to all genders and ages of practicing pagans. Historically, some Beltane rituals were meant to be performed skyclad, whereas now practitioners are either given a choice or asked to remain cloaked. Here is a great Q&A about being skyclad during rituals. Celebrations in Europe differ greatly from the Beltane holiday in the United States, as well as in other countries and continents. 

Stay Tuned

There are so many details to celebrating a modern-day Beltane, from the foods to the altars to the rituals. Stay tuned to the Pagans of the Wild Wasteland in the month of April for your one-stop shopping for all things Beltane. We will cover: 

  • celebrating for solitaries and couples 
  • fertility rites 
  • Beltane deities 
  • Fairy magic 
  • Beltane celebrations around the world 
  • so much more! 

Join the Pagans of the Wild Wasteland as we journey with the Celts around the world to discover all there is to know about the unofficial start of summer, and we wish the brightest of Beltane Blessings upon you! 

POLL! How are you celebrating Beltane, just one month away?  Will you be: 

  • Gathering around a “bright fire” with friends and family? 
  • Twisting ribbons around a Maypole? 
  • Dancing naked with the devil in the pale moonlight? 

Let us know below in the comment section. 


Obsidia Musette Sage

Wife, Poet, Mother, Certifiably Crazy, but above all else, a Witch. I am a Crone that resides in the Wild Wasteland and have 20 years of experience as a practicing pagan. I am an Augury witch that specializes in the art of Tarot. I do not follow a specific spiritual path, but rather gather wisdom from all types of belief systems and use that to form my own special blend of witchcraft. I like to spend my days with my husband and my fur babies, who include my familiar: a golden lab mix named Xena Marie. I have been drawn to the beauty of the high desert ever since I was a young woman and now have the pleasure and privilege of living in the Wild Wasteland in the Great Basin of Nevada. Obsidia crossed the veil in May, 2022

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