
Card of the Day: Four of Fire

April 20, 2021 Obsidia Musette Sage

The Four of Fire from the Witches’ Wisdom Tarot

This card is interpreted in one way as finding yourself amidst your everyday life. You have other responsibilities: people, animals, jobs. You must grocery shop, pay the bills, stress over budgets and car repairs.  It is draining, exhausting. Even when you have a life that is relatively free from unnecessary stress, there is unnecessary stress. It is difficult to maintain your own sense of self in the middle of all the other demands on your time.

Tend to your Light

The Four of Fire, otherwise known as the 4 of Wands, reminds you to take a step back, to find yourself among the craziness of everyday life. Phyllis Curott, the author of The Witches’ Wisdom Tarot, advises you to “tend to that light and you will feel the comfort, brightness, and lightness of your spirit.” I interpret this for myself as meaning that I CANNOT POUR FROM AN EMPTY CUP. I must take care of myself before I take care of all my other responsibilities.

Sometimes It’s Not Pretty

If I allow myself to become physically weak, exhausted, and emotionally drained, then I am not all the things I need to be for all the other obligations I have. I am a poor excuse for a wife, mother, and overall human when I go too long without taking care of myself. It has become imperative that I practice positive self-care for physical, mental, and spiritual well-being due to a new diagnosis. If I want to continue as a caring human, I must remember the lesson of the Four of Fire – to tend to my own light, to fill my own cup, and take care of my spirit before I take care of the spirits of others.

We’ve All Gotta Do It

Tend to your light. Fill your cup. Make sure that YOU are taken care of. Be the best human possible. Then you can tend to the needs of others. Keep the Four of Fire on your mind.

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Obsidia Musette Sage

Wife, Poet, Mother, Certifiably Crazy, but above all else, a Witch. I am a Crone that resides in the Wild Wasteland and have 20 years of experience as a practicing pagan. I am an Augury witch that specializes in the art of Tarot. I do not follow a specific spiritual path, but rather gather wisdom from all types of belief systems and use that to form my own special blend of witchcraft. I like to spend my days with my husband and my fur babies, who include my familiar: a golden lab mix named Xena Marie. I have been drawn to the beauty of the high desert ever since I was a young woman and now have the pleasure and privilege of living in the Wild Wasteland in the Great Basin of Nevada. Obsidia crossed the veil in May, 2022

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