
Once in a Blue Moon

August 20, 2021
August 20, 2021 DesertJen

Once in a blue moon.  Can’t tell you how many times over my 62 years I have said that when talking about a rare occurrence.  In fact, it was William Shakespeare who first wrote “once in a blue moon” to mean something rare 400 years ago.

What is a Blue Moon?

The modern definition of a blue moon is a full moon occurring twice during a month.  The next blue moon under this definition won’t be until August 31, 2023.  Our ancestors defined the blue moon as the fourth moon in a single three month season, the next of which occurs in a few days on Sunday, August 22, 2021.

Image by Steven Iodice from Pixabay

What Magic is Appropriate for a Blue Moon?

Everyone seems to have a different answer for that question.  Some say it is associated with the mystic of the feminine.  It can also be used as a time to reflect, a time to rid one of negative influences, or as a more powerful aspect of the last full moon.  With all that in mind, I personally will be working on reflection.  I want to recognize and honor all the things I am doing right in life.  So many times I want to work on changing the negative, I forget there is a lot changes I have made, habits and attitudes I have made positive progress on, and I need to reflect and honor that.

What Correspondences Should I use?

My suggestion would be anything blue and anything associated with a full moon.  Blue candles, blue flowers, blue stones, using all the shades of the color.  Celebrate the rarity of the Blue Moon by going all out.  Here are some suggestions:

Types of Blue Stones

  • Azurite:  Divination.

    Image by NickyPe from Pixabay

  • Blue Kyanite:  Communication.
  • Lapis Lazuli: Psychic development.
  • Moldavite (blue):  Channeling.
  • Sapphire: Third eye development.
  • Sodalite: Clarity and truth.
  • Turquoise: Wisdom or manifestation.

Types of Blue Flowers:

  • Flax: Kindness
  • Forget me not: Clarity and focus.
  • Geranium: Feminine healing.
  • Grape Hyacinth: Abundance
  • Hydrangea: Hex breaking
  • Iris: Creativity
  • Lupine: Faeries/Otherworld communication
  • Morning Glory: Clarity

Find your purpose, find a combination of stones and flowers to work with, and manifest your will during the Blue Moon.

So mote it be!!


The Great Basin Crone, DesertJen, has been a practicing pagan for 20 years. She does not identify with any belief system, although she feels a strong calling to explore, investigate, and practice using her Celtic roots. She also practices Kitchen and Green witchery through her love of cooking and gardening, using herbs, plants, and anything that comes from the earth in her craft. She has many hobbies, which include creating through polymer clay and her Cricut. She also has the pleasure of nurturing and caring for her grandbaby while the baby’s parents are at work. Animals are extremely important to DesertJen, as she has an elderly lab, an old husky, and a young black Manx that is missing her tail (who keeps the old Crone on her toes!). DesertJen shares her life with her mother in the Nevada high desert of the Great Basin, where they love to watch the moon rise.