
Full Moon Magic

September 9, 2022
Posted in Moon Phase
September 9, 2022 DesertJen

Tonight/tomorrow morning (September 10, 2022 @ 2:59 am Pacific) the Harvest moon rises, urging those with a bit of witchiness in us, to perform some Full Moon Magic.  I did a quick “google” on full moon magic and up pops 5,990,000 results.  What can I tell you that nearly six million other references can’t?  How about my own take on it all.

Harvest Moon

The full moon closest to the fall equinox or Mabon, is called the Harvest Moon.  This time of year is the time farmers traditionally were bringing in their harvest.


According to various sources, magic to incorporate into our harvest moon rituals are:

  • Do your favorite divination
  • Meditate outdoors
  • Perform a full ritual with yourself or in a group
  • Give thanks for the abundance provided you during this last lunar cycle
  • Manifest the intent you sent out at the last new moon
  • Take a long bath with your favorite scents, candles, glass of fine wine, and relax
  • Write an affirmation that prepares you for the next new moon when you set your intentions. Repeat the affirmation three times every morning until the new moon
  • My favorite (if you have the privacy or just don’t care) dance naked around your favorite tree playing Savage Daughter full blast.
  • Seriously though, ground under your favorite tree and cleanse your soul, throwing any self-hate or negativity out to the universe to recycle.

What Will I be Doing?

I am NOT one who practices with ritual.  I just do it.  I might burn a candle or two, burn an appropriate herb, chant a spell I have written for the occasion then that’s it.  I toss the idea out there and hope for the best.  However, if I had a privacy fence around the old elm tree out the yard . . .

Whatever you choose to do, do it.  I have not been in contact with my mysterious guide via the pendulum since Obsidia crossed the veil.  In fact the only magic I have conjured was dedicating myself to a goddess.  It only took almost 20 years to recognize a calling to a specific deity, and in her honor, I will be honoring the full and new moons.  Tonight will be a good night.  I might just go out under the moon and dance listening with earphones Savage Daughter (my latest musical obsession) … fully clothed.



The Great Basin Crone, DesertJen, has been a practicing pagan for 20 years. She does not identify with any belief system, although she feels a strong calling to explore, investigate, and practice using her Celtic roots. She also practices Kitchen and Green witchery through her love of cooking and gardening, using herbs, plants, and anything that comes from the earth in her craft. She has many hobbies, which include creating through polymer clay and her Cricut. She also has the pleasure of nurturing and caring for her grandbaby while the baby’s parents are at work. Animals are extremely important to DesertJen, as she has an elderly lab, an old husky, and a young black Manx that is missing her tail (who keeps the old Crone on her toes!). DesertJen shares her life with her mother in the Nevada high desert of the Great Basin, where they love to watch the moon rise.

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